Monday, November 22, 2010

I'm fixed!

Today was my last counseling session! I love it but it's nice knowing I don't need it. My anxiety has been minimal if any which has been really nice. I explained to my counselor today that it felt like I fell into a hole that I just couldn't seem to get myself out of and at the time I felt like it was never going to end. If feels sooo good to feel good :)

Another major thing happened today. I ran. Me! I have always envied people who can run but I have always said that I can't do it. Yesterday during my walk I tried a couple of times for a minute or so but it was hard! Today at the gym I got on the treadmill and decided that I was going to try it, even with all of the people around me. I couldn't run 30 minutes straight but it felt goo to try. I did a 5 minute warm up then 5 minutes of running then 4 walking then 6 running then 5 walking and 4 running. IT FELT GREAT! I am going to try and do this more and maybe be one of those runners I envy. I've always wanted to run a 5k, maybe someday soon!

This morning I was not quite this happy though. I've been eating very healthy and the scale said I gained 2 lbs. HOW? I've been following WW!!! Husband said that maybe it was the moose burger and that it was just sitting in me still. We'll see tomorrow morning. This could be one of those lovey poly cystic weight things too. I'll try not to dwell on it too much and see how tomorrow goes.

I also noticed the I like blogs that have pictures in them so my goal will be to add some to my posts. I figure it I write it then i'm more likely to do it.) Thanks for reading!!!!

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