Thursday, December 16, 2010

horrible no good very bad day

I am very cranky tonight. I can't go to the gym because my knee is in pain from running. The fact that I can't run is really bumming me out because I was just starting to really enjoy it and now I'm not sure I'll be able to do it. I couldn't go to my Thursday night class cause I knew it would only aggravate my knee more...AHHHH.
Tomorrow at work we are doing a cookie swap. I just baked chocolate chip pumpkin cookies and they kinda came out blah. Husband agreed. He told me to put glaze on them and then it would eat it. They seems like they came out a little cakey. I followed the recipe though!!!! Baking just isn't my thing I think. Now I'm thinking do I bake 3 dozen more or do I bring the crappy cookies to the swap?  AHHHHHH again.
I haven't tracked today, I ate chocolate chips with out measuring and got frustrated and gave up. It's a horrible no good very bad day.
I did start the clomid yesterday as well as have my 2nd acupuncture appointment. Things are going as planned on that part.
Hopefully tomorrow will be better, I'm all ready worried about the weekend though and eating. I have girls night tomorrow, we are going out to dinner so I can be good there, I'll probably just get a salad. Then on Saturday we have a Christmas party to go to (lots of food) and then my dads for dinner on Sunday (usually not healthy food.) It's going to be a difficult weekend but I'm going to track tomorrow and try to have a good day!
If anyone has any good 2 point snacks for WW please let me know, I am having a hard time finding them on the new plan.
thanks :)

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