I'll start with the good, it's longer. I ran for 20 minutes yesterday. I was so happy with myself. I was shooting for 17 but I was feeling good so I kept going. The last minute was tough but I was able to push myself through it. My knee was hurting a little after because I forgot my brace, I'm hoping my knee doesn't get too bad, I'm really starting to like running, I feel so great after.
Another good thing is that either the acupuncture worked or it was an incredible coincidence. I'm not sure which and I don't care because I can finally start the Clomid on Wednesday (I was told day 5 of my cycle.) So I'm super happy about that!!! I got the prescription 2 months ago so I'm really happy I can finally start it.
Yesterday I made my Christmas presents for my work friends (brownies in a jar that they bake themselves) and that was about it before the party. Today I will wrap my presents. Not much going on, it's a little icy out so I'm going to wait a bit before I go grocery shopping.
My only bad is the amount of junk I ate last night. I meant to take it easy but I over did it with the wine which made me eat more! We had a work Yankee swap last night and everyone brought food and a regift item. The food was delicious! I was really planning on being good but it didn't happen. I'm trying not to get too mad at myself but I didn't get on the scale this morning on purpose, I'm worried but if I get on and it is a lot higher I'll have an awful day. I know some of you are thinking, "hey it was one night, no biggie," and I try to think that way but I also have to be realistic and know my body doesn't do well with even just one night. So I didn't track yesterday but my plan is to just pick up where I left off today.
Overall it's been a great weekend!
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