Thursday, December 16, 2010

horrible no good very bad day

I am very cranky tonight. I can't go to the gym because my knee is in pain from running. The fact that I can't run is really bumming me out because I was just starting to really enjoy it and now I'm not sure I'll be able to do it. I couldn't go to my Thursday night class cause I knew it would only aggravate my knee more...AHHHH.
Tomorrow at work we are doing a cookie swap. I just baked chocolate chip pumpkin cookies and they kinda came out blah. Husband agreed. He told me to put glaze on them and then it would eat it. They seems like they came out a little cakey. I followed the recipe though!!!! Baking just isn't my thing I think. Now I'm thinking do I bake 3 dozen more or do I bring the crappy cookies to the swap?  AHHHHHH again.
I haven't tracked today, I ate chocolate chips with out measuring and got frustrated and gave up. It's a horrible no good very bad day.
I did start the clomid yesterday as well as have my 2nd acupuncture appointment. Things are going as planned on that part.
Hopefully tomorrow will be better, I'm all ready worried about the weekend though and eating. I have girls night tomorrow, we are going out to dinner so I can be good there, I'll probably just get a salad. Then on Saturday we have a Christmas party to go to (lots of food) and then my dads for dinner on Sunday (usually not healthy food.) It's going to be a difficult weekend but I'm going to track tomorrow and try to have a good day!
If anyone has any good 2 point snacks for WW please let me know, I am having a hard time finding them on the new plan.
thanks :)

Sunday, December 12, 2010

the good and the bad

I'll start with the good, it's longer. I ran for 20 minutes yesterday. I was so happy with myself. I was shooting for 17 but I was feeling good so I kept going. The last minute was tough but I was able to push myself through it. My knee was hurting a little after because I forgot my brace, I'm hoping my knee doesn't get too bad, I'm really starting to like running, I feel so great after.
Another good thing is that either the acupuncture worked or it was an incredible coincidence. I'm not sure which and I don't care because I can finally start the Clomid on Wednesday (I was told day 5 of my cycle.) So I'm super happy about that!!! I got the prescription 2 months ago so I'm really happy I can finally start it.
Yesterday I made my Christmas presents for my work friends (brownies in a jar that they bake themselves) and that was about it before the party. Today I will wrap my presents. Not much going on, it's a little icy out so I'm going to wait a bit before I go grocery shopping.

My only bad is the amount of junk I ate last night. I meant to take it easy but I over did it with the wine which made me eat more! We had a work Yankee swap last night and everyone brought food and a regift item. The food was delicious! I was really planning on being good but it didn't happen. I'm trying not to get too mad at myself but I didn't get on the scale this morning on purpose, I'm worried but if I get on and it is a lot higher I'll have an awful day. I know some of you are thinking, "hey it was one night, no biggie," and I try to think that way but I also have to be realistic and know my body doesn't do well with even just one night. So I didn't track yesterday but my plan is to just pick up where I left off today.
Overall it's been a great weekend!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

down 4.6!!!

Yesterday was my first official weigh in for weight watchers and I lost 4.6 pounds!!! I was very happy about this and it encourages me to continue to try hard. I think I have calculated my sandwich thins 4 times, I keep thinking that they are going to change because I keep hearing people say that they are 3 points but I keep getting 2 (I don't think the calculations will change I just keep thinking that I did it wrong.)
Yesterday I ran 15 straight minutes! Getting better. I didn't go to the gym today (worked late) and tomorrow is my boxing body class so i'm thinking that Friday or Saturday i'll shoot for 17 minutes. I really felt great yesterday after I ran, I understand the "runners high."
Yesterday was also my acupuncture appointment. I made an appointment to try and see if it would help with the polycystic, I have to go back 4-5 times and my next appointment is next wednesday. I'm willing to see how it goes, anything to help! The acupuncture was an hour long. I felt a couple of the needles go it but it wasn't painful at all. I sat with the needes in for 20 minutes, it was very relaxing. I'll report more next Wednesday!
2 more days of work!!!!!!! I really love the weekends!!!!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

so sleeeeppy

I realized tonight that I haven't written since Tuesday. It's hard cause my computer is broken and the screen to my laptop is a floppy mess. WW is going well. I love the new program and I love fruit. Today was probably my worst day but I haven't calculated the damage but I think it is minimal, it's just hard to know for sure because of the new plan. I have to look up everything! I've been eating lots of veggies though, can't get enough kale and brussel sprouts for some reason. I found myself shopping mostly around the perimeter of the store yesterday which is good, more natural stuff. I tried to find a lower cal yogurt and I decided that I would spend 3 points for my chemical free yogurt then less on aspartame or splenda. Plus I figure it balances out with the extra points that I get in a day now.
I am really starting to like tofu shirataki noodles. I've had them a few times this week and as long as I prepare them the right way then they are great! The other thing I have been having most nights (if points allow) is a vita muffin, those are delicious!!!!!
Today we went to visit the in-laws and did some shopping. It was a nice day. We didn't leave until 6:45 so that means I didn't get home until 7:30 and that made for a VERY grouchy me because I was hungry. I also think I was grouch because it's Sunday so I know that I have to go to work tomorrow and I really really dislike my job more and more every week.
I'm sure that there were more exciting things that I planned on sharing but I am still a little grouchy so I'm going to go watch some TV and just zone out.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Giving Weight Watcher a Chance...

For the past few weeks I have been trying to follow WW on my own. When I heard about the new plan I decided to go to a meeting with a coworker. The plan sounds great and fruits are now 0 points which is great! I think I may even continue to go to meetings just to keep me on track. I wasn't happy to discover that the cereal bars that I have during snack time at work are now 3 points but I do have more points to work with so I'm ok with it for now (until the box is gone.)
Tonight for dinner I made a hungry girl recipe that was emailed to me yesterday, it was sesame chicken and it was delicious!!!! I sauteed some asparagus and cooked some brown rice and added some soy sauce, peas, carrots, and corn and it was one of the best dinners I think I have made in awhile, I almost thought it was take out. Thank you hungry girl :)

These are the flowers I got when I got home tonight. Husband was sorry for being grouchy that morning.
(I couldn't figure out how to flip it)

  1. This is the sesame chicken that I made...mmm

I didn't think I had much to say tonight but it has been a busy and productive few days. On top of WW, flowers and cooking I also managed to run 13 minutes Monday night. I'm really proud of myself for even trying. I give up easily but even when it got tough I just kept going. Next time = 14 minutes.
Yesterday I skipped the gym and then today I did the treadmill on an incline. I've been tired the past couple of days so I just wasn't up to running. Tomorrow is my favorite aerobics class, Boxing Body. I mostly like it cause I go with a friend.
So that is all for now, thanks for reading. Please feel free to follow or comment. I'd like to know that i'm not the only one reading :)