Monday, November 29, 2010

Meh... (written sunday night)

That's how I feel today, meh. Knowing that I have to go to work tomorrow makes me sad. I love the kids but it job itself is not the best place to be. After having 5 days off it makes going back tough. 
On Tuesday I broke my computer. The screen of the laptop has to be supported and I can't shut it. It's my work laptop so tomorrow should be interesting when I tell the IT person about it. I'm just worried that I won't be able to get a replacement one or the pain it will be to have to move all my bookmarks and such over to a new laptop.  If I don't post something tomorrow you'll know why. Oh wait, is anyone reading this???? I have been reading a few other blogs and I have become a follower but I am thinking that in order to get someone to follow me I might need to comment or make my page more interesting. I notice other people's blogs look fancier but I'm just not there yet!
The past couple of days have been good. I've eaten too much and gained 2 of the 4 pounds I had lost. Today I did well tracking my food (in my head) i'll write it down soon, I usually log in a word document but it won't open today.... hmmmm...
I just get so frustrated when I gain because it feels like it takes forever to lose it and an instant to gain it back. IT MAKES ME WANT TO SCREAM!  
On a positive note, I ran 12 consecutive minutes yesterday! I ran more then that total but to run that in my first week of running made me so freakin' happy! I had the urge to run today but I was mopey and sad so I didn't, tomorrow though.
Tomorrow I am going to call my doc and see if I can get  referral for acupuncture, my insurance covers it but I am not sure how much. I've heard good things about it helping with infertility. (Yes I am trying to lose weight and get pregnant. If I get prego i'll eat differently but I figure that until then there is no reason I can't try.) I have the clomid but it doesn't do me any good sitting in my purse not being able to take it. I've read that there is a different pill to make me have a period so maybe they'll recommend that but I wouldn't mind trying the acupuncture. The other thing i've read about helping is metformin. We'll see what the doc says!
So that pretty much sums up the weekend. I made some yummy kale and vegetarian sausage soup for lunch this week, i'll let you know how it is tomorrow. I'm going to try my best to keep tracking what I eat and see if I can get to a healthy weight.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Tomorrow is another day...

I. ate. pizza. I never ever eat pizza and it was delicious. I haven't been on the scale in a couple of days (maybe Sunday) and I'm a little afraid to jump on. It's thanksgiving so I'm letting myself splurge a little but tomorrow I will get back to being healthy. Thanksgiving was good. We spend the day at my dads with him and my stepmom and my niece stopped by. I'm pretty sure there was a stick of butter in everything she made. My real questions is who steams green beans in oil. YES OIL!! There wasn't even a healthy vegetable I could load up on cause it was all fatty crap!!! I didn't over stuff myself which is good. After dinner we played scrabble and I came in second place. Not bad.
Today husband went shopping with me for a little bit. Nothing crazy, just target and Bob's. I got a few things then we went to Lowe's. We got the pizza on the way home. MMMMMMM.
I'll hit the gym tomorrow and start back with trying to run. I'll be happy just to do 10 minutes straight again. Hopefully the last 2 days won't do too much on the scale. People don't understand when I get obsessive about what I eat but with the PCOS it really makes losing weight so freakin' hard!
Tomorrow is date night :)

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

i'm an auntie again!

Yesterday was great, it was one of those days where I love being a teacher. I had fun with my class and it was even better knowing that I would have the next 5 days off! After work I ran some errands and then met up with my friend to paint pottery. It was nice seeing her, we don't see each other enough, especially in the last year. I moved about 40 minutes away from her a year ago so it's not as easy to meet up. I painted an ornament that said Baby's 1st Christmas and I put my new nephew's birthday/height/weight on the ornament. I found out about 5 minutes before i got to the pottery place that my sister in-law had delivered a baby boy! He is the first grandchild on my husbands side so everyone was very excited. I can't wait to meet him at Christmas.
It seems like babies are all over the place which makes me want one even more. For those of you who don't know about poly cystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) it makes having a baby difficult. See I went off the pill in June getting ready for having a baby. I had my period at first for a few months but now it is taking longer and longer between each cycle to get it. That is the wonderful PCOS. I never know so it's impossible to know when to go at it to make da baby. I was given Clomid to help but I have to have a period in order to take it and no luck yet, hopefully soon!
Today I am thankful that I got to sleep in, watch Ellen while having coffee and do what I want :) Later I will go to the gym, make a dessert for tomorrow, what? i'm not sure still. Hubby has been asking that I make American Chop Suey so I think I will make that for dinner (it's his mother's recipe so he really likes it when I make it) What else? I don't know, I'm just happy to relax.
If my dessert turns out good i'll take a pic and post!

Monday, November 22, 2010

I'm fixed!

Today was my last counseling session! I love it but it's nice knowing I don't need it. My anxiety has been minimal if any which has been really nice. I explained to my counselor today that it felt like I fell into a hole that I just couldn't seem to get myself out of and at the time I felt like it was never going to end. If feels sooo good to feel good :)

Another major thing happened today. I ran. Me! I have always envied people who can run but I have always said that I can't do it. Yesterday during my walk I tried a couple of times for a minute or so but it was hard! Today at the gym I got on the treadmill and decided that I was going to try it, even with all of the people around me. I couldn't run 30 minutes straight but it felt goo to try. I did a 5 minute warm up then 5 minutes of running then 4 walking then 6 running then 5 walking and 4 running. IT FELT GREAT! I am going to try and do this more and maybe be one of those runners I envy. I've always wanted to run a 5k, maybe someday soon!

This morning I was not quite this happy though. I've been eating very healthy and the scale said I gained 2 lbs. HOW? I've been following WW!!! Husband said that maybe it was the moose burger and that it was just sitting in me still. We'll see tomorrow morning. This could be one of those lovey poly cystic weight things too. I'll try not to dwell on it too much and see how tomorrow goes.

I also noticed the I like blogs that have pictures in them so my goal will be to add some to my posts. I figure it I write it then i'm more likely to do it.) Thanks for reading!!!!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

lazy days...

It was another great Sunday. Nothing going on. Cleaned the house a little this morning then husband and I took the dog for a walk. It was cool but nice to be in the sunshine. When we got home I made some kale and a turkey burger for lunch. The in-laws came for a little visit (I feel lucky to have great in-laws) then I just hung out and spent way too much time online.
I did manage to make a pot of chili. I used the hungry girl recipe for it and it tasted great. It will be my lunch for my 2 day (!!!!!!!!!!) work week. The rest will be dinner tomorrow.
Tonight we had moose burgers. A friend gave us the meat so we decided to give it a try. Not bad. Reminded me of a dry burger. I can't remember the last time I had a real burger. I was a vegetarian until this past April and since then I try to not eat red meat. The few times I have had it it was because it was left over organic meat that we had. I'd like to go back to being a vegetarian but it just seems so hard to cook that way all of the time. Maybe i'll be ready again sometime.
After dinner I had some sugar free pudding and I realized that I need to not slip into that habit again. I did really well with the organic and fresh food for a long time but now that i'm trying to lose weight i'm going back to those awful habits of "light" foods and sugar free crap. More to work on!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Excuse me...

That isn't so hard to say, is it? I was at Trader Joe's today (where I was able to get a bunch of great stuff) and it was very busy. The store closest to me is sort of small, although it is the only one I have ever been to, but people were bumping into people every where and not one person said excuse me. This amazed me. I said it a many times. What is going on with people? It is 2 simple words!!!
Other then that is was a great day. I did a netflix workout this morning through the Wii then I got ready and headed out.  I took the dog with me for the 45 minutes ride. We went to the mall first. I was trying to use a coupon at new york and company, no luck. So we headed to Trader Joe's next. Abbey (my dog) seemed happy to get out of the house. the husband was hunting. On the way home I did the grocery shopping for the week. I stocked up on canned pumpkin and some sugar free pudding. Following Weight Watchers is going well still so I wanted to have tasty things handy when I need them. I also got the hungry girl cookbook, hopefully i'll try some more recipes this week. I made the pumpkin smash the other night. It was ok. I used stevia instead of splenda so there was a bit of an aftertaste. That is the one thing I don't like about the cookbook or WW, i'm not a fan of splenda. I like stevia and I try to eat organic when I can afford it. Organic apples cost me $6 today!!!!  Anyways, i'd like to find some healthy things without chemicals! Ideas???
For dinner tonight I made some tasty turkey burgers with mushrooms and onions and brussel sprouts (I love em'!) and now we are sitting by the fire enjoying wine. Well we were but he got a call so I decided to blog. All I need is a small piece of chocolate :)

Friday, November 19, 2010

Signing our lives away

We refinanced our mortgage today and i'm happy to report we will save $110 a month. Now if we could get rid of the $150 mortgage insurance I would be thrilled.
School was fun today (I don't say that too often.) Friday's are easy for me, the only real subject we have is Math. We have computers and Time for Kids and spelling but nothing major. Today we had our Turkey Trot race too which the kids seemed to really like. They were asked to bring in can goods to go along with it also. I had the idea to offer a free breakfast to the class that brought in the most canned goods. With a school of about 260 kids we got over 800 cans. Not too shabby!
Now I'm home, relaxing. Waiting for the husband to come home with dinner. I made some sauteed mixed veggies and some smashed cauliflower (he loves it) and he's getting the rotisserie chicken. Easy solution to a long day :)
This blog has really helped with my keeping up with tracking my food. I usually give up after 4-5 days and I have been tracking everything for 8 full days. Some days are harder then others but I feel pretty good about it. 3-5 seems to be the hardest time of day and the easiest to blow calories. No gym today but tomorrow no excuses!
Things seem to be going well. I haven't had anxiety in over a week too. I don't think I've mentioned my anxiety before. It kinda goes along with my blog title, the "feeling good" part. Right now I feel pretty good which makes my life so much easier. When I'm anxious or just down in the dumps sometimes getting out of bed can be hard. I've been on meds in the past but we are trying to get pregnant so I didn't want to be put on them, and now I'm glad a didn't. It took over a month but I finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. Hopefully I will continue to stay positive and feel good.
Chicken is home! Time to eat!!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

No Kale, No Sale

I love kale. I never had it until a few months ago. Before that the only time that I had ever seen the stuff was when I worked at Uno's, where the motto when sending out a plate was, No kale, no sale." Lame? Very. But I still remember it. I just made kale chips, they are pretty good. Nothing exciting but they are filling and nutritious. I put olive oil, salt, and some garlic powder. My husband won't touch the stuff, fine by me.
I like Thursday nights. Not only because tomorrow is Friday, but because it is boxing body night. A friend and I go every week and knowing she is there gives me the motivation to go to the hour long high impact class. I always feel great after. I also get home late on Thursdays which means it is the husbands night to cook (scary.) Tonight was leftover so it wasn't bad. I want to tell him yum and that he did a good job but that doesn't happen too often. I love him, just not his cooking so much. He does a great job raking and mowing and dishes and making the house look good but the man can not cook. Maybe someday (but I doubt it.)
Time for Jeopardy! (Yes, we are lame )

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

fruit stripes

For some reason I am hungrier than usual today. I've lost about 4 pounds this week, which seems like a lot but I really started tracking what I was eating about 6 days ago so I know if I keep up with this it won't be as much next week. I wasted calories on a bunch of caramel rice cakes. I know this seems like it shouldn't be a lot of calories but I had 2/3 of the bag which is over 200 calories. So now I've used up my daily calories and I'm chewing this gross fruit stripe gum. I happen to have a bunch because I bought a few for my students (for testing days) and it's not helping with these hungry horrors AT ALL. I've a good portion of the night researching the praxis test for middle school math as well as the other things I can do with a masters in education. Any suggestions?

Sunday, November 14, 2010

I love sundays

Sundays are usually a mellow day around here which I love. I usually do my grocery shopping but I did it yesterday so it was like a complete day off. We decided to do a last minute trip to visit the in-laws which was nice. I was able to squeeze in a workout at the gym first. We went out to dinner where I ordered a salad instead of the creamy ravioli that I really wanted. Since I saved calories there I had some of the delicious pumpkin bread that I made yesterday. It was a nice day, I have steel cut oats cooking for breakfast for the week and lunch is made. I usually make a pot of soup but we didn't get home until 7 so I'll do it tomorrow. 2 hours of peace before bedtime.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Day One

So this is my very first post of my very first blog. I've read other people's in the past and I find them interesting so I thought, what the heck I'll give it a try! I moved to what I consider the middle of nowhere about a year ago and now that winter is approaching I realize that I need something to fill my time. Most of my friends are a 45 minute drive from me now so I was thinking this would help me stay busy. Things you'll most likely see me blog about: eating healthy (as often as I can), crafts, cooking, staying active, finding bargains (I love coupons), my dog, my husband, and perhaps the occasional story about my crazy family. 

So what did I do on day one? Well I started by going for a hot air balloon ride. This required me getting up at 4:30 am and I am NOT a morning person. To top it off my morning coffee place wasn't even open yet, I settled for McDonald's coffee which was actually pretty good (and organic.) I was able to quickly forget about that once I was in the air and able to see Boston, the White Mountains, and the Ocean all at the same time. Turned out to be a great day. My husband found it to be an even greater day when I filled his request of making pumpkin bread, I just had some, and I must say it was yummy! (even with the whole wheat flour substitute and half the oil!)
thanks for reading